
Monday, 14 March 2022

There Is Potential

Note shared within Team mailer this morning at SFI.  You are welcome to join too at


Good morning,

Here to encourage the potential that all of us can have access to achieve at SFI by inviting, referring, promoting, sharing SFI to others or by purchasing PSAs.

The amounts here are just examples and estimates.

Example of the potential at SFI.

For every referral that an affiliate has joined SFI through their SFI link and Bundles have the potential of earning as follows:-

One person as a referral joins and they level up to at least $5 you get 200 rewardical tokens which converts to cash of $0.30.  

This example is from the point of view of a bundle sale.

Lets say everyone of the 15 PSAs provided in the bundle levels up to $5.00 then it will look somewhat like this.

$0.30 x 15 = $4.50

Then if they level up to purchase the 

Builder Bundle (100 TCredits + PSAs, CSAs, and more!)  (2767)


Just $55.00 with Auto-Delivery

Commission Volume (CV) $19.70 $19.70

$19.70 x 48%  (Level 11)  = $9.45

Commission of $9.45

If all the people that join in that bundle of 15 of them purchased the bundle.

Estimated amounts of commissions earned will be

$9.45 x 15 (people) = $141.75

And they stayed consistent for the following

$141.75 x 6 (months) = $850.50 

$141.75 x 12 (months) = $1,701.00

You can do this same calculations with any product to show the potential earnings to be earned monthly as an estimate.

I used the bundle here because it had the 15 PSAs and CSAs showing within the bundle.  Therefore it was easy to show the potential in earning commissions and that it is not impossible of we have consistent monthly purchasers.

Be encouraged!

Have a wonderful day.

With best wishes.

Thank you.



Tell your friends and family to sign up as SFI affiliates at:
Tell your friends and family to check out TripleClicks at:

Generate SFI Affiliate sign-ups by referring prospects to the following Gateway. IMPORTANT! All affiliate sign-ups you generate via this link will be dispersed among SFI Affiliates. These sign-ups WILL NOT be recorded as your PSAs or be placed into your downline. Learn more.

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