SFI | FLEXXITY | Skills Rewarded
Why is Flexxity a great fit for SFI Affiliates building their businesses?
The Flexxity platform is part of the Zing Network and, as such, is fully integrated with the SFI Affiliate program. But Flexxity's potential extends FAR beyond simple inclusion under the Zing umbrella of sites in the following ways:
1. Virtually everyone has a skill they could monetize (make money from). Flexxity provides the platform to do it! Becoming a Flexxity "flexpert" is quick, simple, and easy. Just sign up, and you can be off and running within hours. Don't think you have a skill you could monetize? You might be quite surprised by how much value you have in skills and tools that you possess. Get LOTS of ideas from this Knowledge Base article.
2. We're building a vibrant and robust "members buying from each other" culture here at SFI. Coming together as a community is very powerful! When you decide to work with your community members and peers, you move from being an individual to being part of a community where everyone helps each other. Thousands of our affiliates can get new "jobs" and earn more money by providing services to their fellow affiliates, while at the same time rewarding buyers with valuable Rewardicals! Everybody wins. Check out the SFI Affiliate Center for features that let everyone easily connect with fellow providers. For example, look for an addition to the profile panel on all forum posts; if the person is a Flexxity provider, you'll see it denoted there, and you'll have a link to view their services with a click.
3. Unlike many kinds of products, services are often consumed over and over and over again (e.g. cutting hair, scooping snow, mowing lawns)...which can generate ample amounts of the best kind of income there is: residual income!
4. Because services are typically rendered locally, there is typically no shipping or Customs issues to deal with.
5. Not everyone is capable of creating and managing a physical product business with all the challenges of securing quality products, shipping, etc....but almost everyone has some skill or ability (i.e. a service) that they could trade for money!
6. Joining SFI to make money is a great proposition (which is why MILLIONS have become SFI affiliates over the last 20+ years), but the fact is, the "how's" are confusing to many. 90%+ of our sign-ups eventually walk away or never really get started because they can't "connect the dots" and/or motivate themselves to "learn a whole new language" (how to sell our products online). Flexxity changes all that because it can be quickly understood, and the Flexxity platform provides virtually everything that's needed to operate your own service business. Also, many people are intimidated by the concept of leading/training a downline, especially if they're new to network marketing/e-commerce/internet marketing. With Flexxity, those "scary" things are eliminated; it's just "make some side money doing something you already know how to do (or can learn to do)." More new affiliates will become engaged in SFI with the Flexxity option available. Flexxity is a game-changer!
7. CV is earned on every service job completed, creating more opportunities for Direct Commissions and Generation Commission Overrides. Soon, there can be hundreds, and then thousands, of new places to buy services and earn Rewardicals and commissions. That means potentially millions of dollars in new CV added to the SFI compensation pool!
8. Flexxity is a great way to add workers and go-getters to your SFI affiliate team. That is, anyone who gets listed as a Flexxity SP will be informed about SFI. And it makes total sense since they've already demonstrated they want to have their own money-making business. And by advancing to Level 12 in SFI, they can even make their participation in Flexxity FREE! All access fees for SPs are waived if you are an SFI Level 12 Affiliate or above! That's a BIG incentive for all the affiliates in your group to become Level 12 or above (and maintain that status every month)!
9. Rewardicals play an important role with Flexxity. A standard allotment of Rewardicals is earned by the customer on each sale (if you're an Flexxity SP, your customers automatically receive a set amount of Rewardicals that we oversee and deliver, with the cost coming out of our margin). However, so that Flexperts can draw additional attention to themselves if they want, we also allow them to increase the amount of Rewardicals offered with their services—with the cost for this coming out of the SP's pocket. NOTE: Offering bonus Rewardicals so you can stand out from the competition is actually very inexpensive (just a few cents more). And with thousands of service providers expected to join Flexxity, over the coming months and years, Rewardical's stock will be substantially boosted with potentially thousands of additional places worldwide to earn Rewardicals!
10. Once an affiliate signs on as a service provider, they've got "skin in the game," something that is very important for keeping people engaged and active in SFI.
11. Flexxity is synergistically integrated into SFI, Rewardicals, Astro Auctions, and Pricebenders in multiple different ways—making each of these divisions more robust. And each of them provide additional exposure of Flexxity to create growing numbers of sales for our Flexperts!
12. Recruiting for SFI, especially within your social circle, is often intimidating...but with Flexxity, you can simply be on the lookout for friends, family, and co-workers who have "salable" skills. And all you have to do is provide them with your affiliate link: https://flexperts.network/11389394/sp There, viewers get a short introduction to the Flexxity program and are encouraged to sign up as a Service Provider and begin making extra cash. They'll also get a variety of ideas of skills that anyone could turn into a side hustle and get paid for. No pressure, just "win/wins."
13. SPs can inexpensively promote themselves within the Flexxity.com search engine (e.g. "sponsored ads"). Targeted ads promoting one's services will soon be available for placement at the SFI Affiliate Center, within Eager Zebra games, Astro Auctions, and Pricebenders.
14. Flexxity presents a great new way for you to earn Rewardicals! For Flexxity to become a massive success, we'll need to attract thousands of quality service providers. And as an SFI affiliate, we're of course going to reward you for helping us populate Flexxity. So long as you maintain a minimum rank of Level 8, for each Flexxity SP you personally refer, you earn one Rewardical for every 10 your referred SPs distribute to their customers!
That's not all. Maintain the minimum Level 7 and you earn the 1-to-10 Rewardical matches on any of your PSAs who become SPs, too! Likewise, for all your CSAs, you earn 1-to-25 matches! So be sure you're working with your team members to get them signed up as SPs, and then also help them establish and build their new service businesses.
To register and sign up to Flexxity, please click here:
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