06/01/2023The name of SFI's exclusive income-generating system designed to help grow and build the networks of all active affiliates.
You & Share-Tech
Every affiliate, when they join SFI, is automatically placed in the Share-Tech™ network—in the next available position under the person who referred you to SFI (i.e. your SFI sponsor).
Once in, you’re part of your sponsor’s network "node," but you’re also now starting your very own "node." Persons that you refer, plus any affiliates that arrive via "spillover" from your sponsor and his/her upline members, will automatically be placed on your first level. Note that all affiliates can have no more than 5 persons on their first level.
As your network grows, it will resemble the above diagram—with 5 persons on your first level, 25 on your second level, 125 on your third, 625 on your 4th, and 3125 on your fifth level. (See compensation plan for earnings info.)
Of course, your network won’t form perfectly. This is because each person that joins your network will grow their node at different speeds. So some "legs" of your network may grow quickly and deeply, while other legs may take more time to add people and grow out and downward.
Fortunately, thanks to your Genealogy, you can easily monitor all the nodes in your network. You can assist those who might need help…and/or you may want to team up with your "go-getters" to further accelerate growth.
One more thing: Share-Tech™ utilizes "dynamic compression." In simple terms, it means that once a month we’ll identify the inactive (non-EA) affiliates in your network (if any), we’ll remove them, and we’ll move people up from lower levels to fill the vacated spot(s)—so that your network can fill completely with active persons and your income is maximized!
The Start of Something Big
In this example, YOU are located on Tom’s second level and you are first-level to Ann (you are one of Ann’s five first-level affiliates)
Note that your sponsor could be Ann, could be Tom, or someone in another level somewhere above Tom in the network.
You’ve recently purchased an E-Pack—which so far has generated two PSAs for you…Jill and Joe. Jill and Joe currently make up your first level. But you can eventually have up to five affiliates on your first level.
Jill and Joe are go-getters!…and so they both also get E-Packs. Jill actually got TWO E-Packs, which has already generated FIVE people on her first level (your second level). Note: Because Jill can only have a maximum of five on her first level, the next affiliate to join her network will automatically start a second level for Jill (and a third level for you).
Joe, though his E-Pack, has three people on his first level already and is getting ready to start doing other additional promotions to really get his node of the network rolling.
So…your network is growing…through your own E-Pack…and through Jill and Joe’s efforts too of course. Soon, there could be dozens of active members in your network—all, together, synergistically creating residual monthly income for you, Jill, and Joe. And that synergy and collaboration can just keep growing and building for every member of your network! That’s beauty and power of SFI’s Share-Tech™ system!
In this example, you’ve joined SFI under a powerhouse couple—Liz and Ted. Liz and Ted are experienced marketers and are able to bring in and develop hundreds of new affiliates every month (especially with Liz and Ted doing joint advertising ventures)
But with SFI’s Share-Tech™, Liz can have no more than five people on her first level. Likewise, Ted can only have five people on his first level.
This is great news for you, because you will almost certainly experience what some call "spillover." In other words, some of the fruits of the work that Liz and Ted are doing will "spillover" to you. You would first see it on your first level. Once your first level was filled, spillover would continue to start filling spots on your second level…and then your third level, and so forth. Note that all of those people can be earning you $1-$15 each every month in profit sharing (see compensation plan for details), even though you didn’t directly refer them to SFI.
Note THAT this is a win/win/win situation! Liz is growing her income. Ted is growing his income also And your income is growing too!
Of course, nobody should join SFI, sit back, and expect spillover. It absolutely can and will happen for many, many affiliates, but don’t depend on it! Rather, become an active participant in the process. If you’re gaining network members thanks to spillover, "pay it forward"!
The biggest success stories in SFI will always be because of duplication that "waterfalls" down the network. Great results and big incomes will always develop because network members are following the plan—with everyone participating actively and doing their part to create growth and maintain momentum for the network that everyone is a part of.
And here’s the best news: You don’t have to be an experienced marketer like Liz and Ted. In fact, you can have zero experience! That’s because SFI’s E-Packs automatically plug you into SFI’s powerful co-op marketing system—so you too are continually bringing in new people to keep growth and momentum flourishing…for everyone!
Synergy, baby! Nothing in business is more powerful than synergy! Especially when it’s been made virtually automatic, thanks to Share-Tech™!

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